3 Cleaning Tasks Oakland County, MI Homeowners Overlook

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3 Cleaning Tasks Oakland County, MI Homeowners OverlookDo you think that your cleaning list is quite holistic? If yes, we’d ask you to revisit it as we are pretty sure that you are targeting the obvious tasks like dusting your furniture. You will be surprised to know that most homeowners miss out on three crucial areas while cleaning and these cannot be ignored when on a home cleaning spree in Oakland County, MI. Let’s take a look at what those are.

Caring for Lighting Fixtures

The best way to light up your home is by cleaning up your light fixtures. Take a moment to think if you take time off to clean those ceiling lights or the light fixtures you can reach easily. It is important to drag a ladder around the house once in a while to clean those beautiful fixtures and chandeliers. Are you scared of doing so because of the amount of dust and cobwebs that have accumulated? Well, leaving it that way is not a healthy solution. If you think that this is a tedious task or you need some help, we suggest hiring a professional who can help with the cleaning in your Oakland County, MI home.

Wiping a Mirror Spotless

The streaks of the mirror are off-putting, frustrating, and unsightly. Everyone wipes their mirror once in a while and most, if not all, know about that disturbing experience when no matter we are cleaning, there’s that ugly film that refuses to leave. Prolonged exposure to soap, stem, and toothpaste cause such a stubborn film to live in the mirror. And because these streaks have been there for a while, it becomes difficult to get rid of them with regular cleaning products. If you are currently residing in Oakland County, MI, it is probably time to call experts in the field to clean up that nasty looking mirror and breathe new life into it.

And we have a pro tip for you: Do not go on trying with cleaners for the mirrors as they result in the more obstinate film. A professional cleaner is trained to clean up spots, films, and water stains. You are bound to be surprised with their service and quality finish to your existing mirror.

Cleaning Window Screens

You probably clean your windows but what do you do about the screens? Screens are home to germs and bacteria as they invite dust, bugs, pollens, and other unwanted things. If windows are left open for long every day, debris that deposits on the screen may enter your home, hindering the air quality and raising health concerns. Keeping window screens clean keep your family members and pets safe from health issues like unexpected sneezing fits, coughs, and even more serious issues that tend to develop when you’re breathing in dirty air for long.

If you want to keep your window screens clean, your home healthy, then reach out to a professional without delay. You can easily get access to any reputed company offering window cleaning services in Oakland County, MI. All you need to do is schedule a call with them, allow them to clean those window screens, and enjoy a cleaner view and better air quality.

For More Information on D and H Window Cleaning

If you are ready to have a professional come look at your Oakland County, MI home, start with D & H Window CleaningWe’ve been in business in Metro Detroit since 1969, and are the experts in making your home shine from top to bottom. To learn more about our services contact us at (586) 726-2340.  We look forward to hearing from you!