Three Things You Are Not Cleaning but Need To

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Three Things You Are Not Cleaning but Need To

Three Things You Are Not Cleaning But Need To If you are among the category of Oakland County, MI homeowners, who are proud of their so-called all-inclusive chores list yet are still struggling to maintain an orderly home, you probably have the more obvious tasks like dusting furniture, vacuuming carpets, and cleaning floors on the list. If the answer is yes, then you perhaps frequently catch yourself wondering how really “clean” homeowners do it. But wonder no more, as we have revealed the secrets of the clean house in this post. Never neglect these three aspects while cleaning your home in Oakland County, MI.

Cleaning Your Light Fixtures

Light fixtures set the tone for every house and that is why it is essential to keep them as clean as possible. After all, grimy and dusty is definitely not the mood you had on your mind while selecting those beautiful chandeliers or buying those quirky Einstein bulbs.

Many homeowners complain that light fixtures are difficult to clean as most are out of reach. But the truth is most of them rarely attempt to clean the ones that are within their reach. If dragging a ladder from one room to the other to clean the fixtures seem troublesome, we have an easier solution for you: Hire a cleaning expert in Oakland County, MI. With the experts coming to your rescue, you will not have to worry about the hassle of cleaning those lights or damaging them accidentally.

Removing Spots from Mirrors

When was the last time you actually cleaned the mirrors instead of simply wiping them down? Are you tired of cleaning and still not being able to get rid of those nasty streaks? More importantly, what do you clean the mirrors with?

If you are like most others, your answer to the latter probably is with a towel and window cleaner. But this is incorrect. A cleaner contributes to unwanted streaks. Although once in a while, cleaners and towels can work for small mirrors, bigger ones deserve better cleaners, more time, and expert hands. This is when you need to call an expert cleaner for streak-free and clearer reflections. And only a professional will be able to help you get rid of ugly spots, films, and hardened stains.

Using A Smart Hack for Window Screens

A big part of house cleaning revolves around getting windows sparkling clean. That includes sills, tracks, curtains, panes, and screens. And while most homeowners clean their windows and wash the curtains, not always do the screens get adequately cleaned. After basic wiping, a window screen may seem clean, however, if it’s not cleaned regularly, it will soon become a hot spot for bugs and bacterial colonies. If you do not have much of the week to devote to window screen cleaning, there is an easy cleaning hack that can get pollen, dust, spider webs, and everything else off the screen. That is a window cleaning expert.


If you want to keep the home healthy, clean, and light then you need to hire a professional for window cleaning in Oakland County, MI. They can take out the time to properly clean your window screens so that you have a clear view and good air quality in the home.

For More Information on D and H Window Cleaning

If you are ready to have a professional come look at your Oakland County, MI home, start with D & H Window CleaningWe’ve been in business in Metro Detroit since 1969, and are the experts in making your home shine from top to bottom. To learn more about our services contact us at (586) 726-2340.  We look forward to hearing from you!