If you have a commercial building, forget for a minute that you do. And think to a time when you noticed a commercial building with an unkempt landscape and filthy windows. What was your initial impression?
Chances are it was the same as everyone’s – that a business that doesn’t even care about the visual appeal of their exterior certainly can’t care very much about the interior of their building or their customers.
Yes, when it comes to commercial buildings, appearance goes a long way. In fact, it’s such a profound qualifier that a prospective customer can bypass your business if your building looks too run down. And this really applies to your windows.
So, it’s inarguable that regular window cleaning is essential. But what defines regular when it comes to cleaning your commercial building’s windows?
The extent and frequency of when you clean your commercial building windows largely depends on the type of business you have.
While there isn’t any fixed schedule in place to track when you should clean your windows, there are factors that let you know when it’s time. The key is to make sure you get them cleaned before it becomes apparent that they’ve been neglected.
In other words, don’t wait until they’re filthy. Who knows how much business and how many customers you’ve lost as you were neglecting your windows?
The good news is those office buildings aren’t like residential buildings when it comes to how often the windows need cleaning. It’s recommended that commercial building windows should be cleaned about every six months which translates to two times a year. Some windows need more attention more often than others, For example, windows in lobby areas need cleaning monthly or bi-monthly because of their high profile.
And even if your building is industrial or mostly manufacturing, it still very likely has offices with windows. Those office windows also need to be cleaned and touched up about monthly.
Any type of healthcare building or facility needs to give windows extra attention simply because they need to be beyond clean looking, they need to look as if they’re sterilized. Whether it’s a clinic, a physician’s office, a lab or a dental business, the windows must be treated with almost the same care as the medical instruments and patient rooms.
Restaurant windows should be given the same level of priority as medical facilities. In any type of eating establishment, grease and moisture are continuously circulating in the air and much of it settles on the windows. So, on average, restaurants are strongly urged to have their windows cleaned twice a month at least.
And this rule of thumb pertains to both the outside and inside of the windows. After all, the cleanliness of the windows reflects the cleanliness of the kitchen and the utensils and the quality of the food being served.