Why Having Your Screens Cleaned is Nothing to Sneeze At

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Why Having Your Screens Cleaned is Nothing to Sneeze At

Why Having Your Screens Cleaned is Nothing to Sneeze at Having your window screens cleaned is nothing to sneeze at.  Most people think that screen cleaning is just something that should be done once a year if that. Many people will go years without even giving their window screens a second thought. If the windows themselves are clean, why bother with the screens?

Cleaning your window screens at least two to three times a year can help lengthen the lifespan of that screen by preventing dry rot or tears.  It can also help keep your freshly cleaned windows clean. Dirt and grime that builds up on screens can splash on the window itself during rainstorms, compromising that professionally cleaned window.

More than that, having clean screens is an integral part of maintaining good air quality in your home.  Dirty screens will blow dirt and dust inside when you open your windows to enjoy a nice breeze.  Instead of fresh air, you’re actually inhaling all of the dirt and particles that were on the screen, affecting the air quality of your home.

According to the World Health Association (WHO), poor air quality can cause inflamed airways, eye irritation, and damage to the respiratory tract.  This can lead to allergies, sinus infections, or exasperation of asthma symptoms.  Over time, poor air quality can lead to a reduction in lung function or even lung cancer.

Many people assume that because they don’t live in an area with high air pollution, that air quality is nothing to worry about.  However, according to the Us Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air quality is two to five times worse than outside.  This is because contained areas enable potential pollutants to build up as opposed to an open space. These pollutants can come from several different sources including:

  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Fungal Spores
  • Chemicals from paint, furniture, and cleaning products
  • Gases emitted from poorly ventilated cooking and heating units

It’s more important than ever to be able to open your windows and let a fresh breeze in to make sure those toxins don’t build up in a small space.  However, if your screens aren’t regularly cleaned that could make the situation even worse. Dirty window screens can be a source of mold growth due to the build-up of organic matter and humid conditions.  Those mold spores are then blown into your home by that fresh breeze you were trying to get.

Exposure to mold can cause serious health effects and is something that should be taken very seriously.  In 2004, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found there was a link between indoor exposure to mold and upper respiratory infections, coughing, or wheezing in otherwise healthy adults.

In order to protect the air quality in your home, there are a few important things you can do. Stay away from harsh cleaning agents in your home that may release more toxins into the air. Make sure that you have proper ventilation around your stove and heating units.  And don’t forget to have your window screens cleaned two to three times a year to make sure that when you’re letting fresh air into your home, it really is fresh air.

Here at D & H windows, we use mild, biodegradable USDA cleaning options because we take your families health as seriously as you do! If you’d like to have your screens professionally cleaned, give us a call at (586) 726-2340.