Winter Cleaning – What is it, what it includes and why it’s necessary

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Winter Cleaning – What is it, what it includes and why it’s necessary

Everyone is familiar with spring cleaning. This is the seasonal household chore that’s almost a tradition – especially in those areas of the country with four season climates. Spring cleaning is when you get to open the windows, let the fresh air in and stale air out.

While everyone has their own routine and to-do list for their own spring-cleaning regimen, it usually includes cleaning the windows, laundering the window treatments, and doing some serious scrubbing and sterilizing. And all of it is worthwhile and rewarding.

But what many homeowners don’t consider is that by doing a bit of spring winter cleaning, the spring-cleaning chore will be even more productive and rewarding. And, I some cases, a bit even enjoyable because it’s a bit less work.

What is winter cleaning?

It’s pretty straightforward., Winter cleaning involves tending to particular indoor areas of the house that end to collect dirt, dust, and debris during those months when the house is completely closed up and the furnace runs constantly.  It’s useful because winter cleaning focuses strictly on specific parts of the interior of the house.

After all, since you can’t do any real yard work – other than shoveling and slating, of course –winter cleaning allows you to invest all that energy into the interior of your home.

What should be included in winter cleaning chores?

Basically, there are three areas of the home that are commonly neglected or cleaned improperly throughout the year. They are your screens, lighting, and mirrors.


While you may think why bother with trying to clean the screen in the winter, think again. Screens are laden with harmful bacteria and a lot of germs. Screens retain dust, bugs, and pollen, among other things. When spring comes and you open your windows, all sort of that kind of debris can seep in easily. This puts your family’s health at risk as the air quality is seriously compromised.

Professional window cleaners also clean screens. So, if this a task you don’t want to tackle yourself, you can have professionals do this for you.


If you want to get the brightest, cheeriest light in your home – clean your light fixtures.  Winter is dark and dull, but the interior of your home doesn’t have to be. Once you remove the cobwebs, grime, and dust that have accumulated on your light fixtures, especially your chandeliers and intricate fixtures, give them a good leaning this winter.


Granted, everyone wipes down their mirrors. They spray a bit of cleaner on them and give them a good wiping. But, this common approach to getting a “clean” mirror only gets the surface. Mirrors have films on them. And the over the counter cleaners that people use to clean them don’t dissolve this film. Like your screen, your mirrors could benefit from a professional window cleaning service.

Why is it necessary?

If you focus your winter cleaning on the three areas detailed above, you’ll have a cleaner, healthier and much more sanitized home throughout the year. The benefit, of course, is that by thoroughly and properly cleaning your mirrors, screens, and lighting during the winter, you’ll be doing yourself a tremendous favor in the spring g- a bit less cleaning and scrubbing to do.